Friday, August 28, 2009

Part One, Peter Keating Chapter One

This book starts off bold. The first paragraph is a very poetic and striking description of a scene in nature. It gives evidence that the book is penned by a great artist. This book is touted as one of the finest in american literature by one of the best authors in recent history. I am excited to read it because of the things I’ve heard about it, like it’s a story of  a great idealistic man and his nemesis another great man who is perhaps darker and evil. Also both these men are architects and that is currently the field of study I’m in.

There are only three characters introduced in the first chapter; Howard Roark, Mrs Keating, and the Dean. Roark is expertly described and yet I really can’t tell if he is good or evil. My gut tells me he is evil because of the lack of compassion and the way he looks at people and makes them feel like “they aren’t there”. But in his confrontation with the Dean he is calm and honest and is unashamed of his opinion that does not go with flow of the traditional environment he is in. These qualities are admirable. I wish I had the ability to share my unorthodox opinions passionately but also with a confidence that never lets my emotions get the better of me. He frustrates the Dean but Roark has done nothing but be honest and himself and Mrs Keating fears him but he has done nothing to provoke this fear. 

There was also a reference to Keatings son. I believe Part One is named after him so I’m sure he will be introduced soon.

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